Head Coach:
George Johnson

Gerald Shrader

Sumwick League

Record: 24-4

Forrest Butts
Robert "Chuck" Glaser
Ross Rennick
Cather Galvan
Rickard Young
Clair McCurdy
Max Brown
Jim Craig
Larry Standiford
Harold Lloyd Webster
Eugene McGinnis
Bruce Chapman
Charles Storey
Harlan Unruh

(Left to Right) F. Butts, R. Glaser, R. Rennick, C. Galvan, R. Young, C. McCurdy, M. Brown, J. Craig, L. Standifer, H. Webster

Player Awards and/or other info:
* Sumwick League Champs
* Placed 2nd In Districts
* Regional Champs
- Went to State and was defeated in the second game.