Mulvane Alumnus Evan Landes competed at the Olympic Trials in Atlanta, GA; finishes 50 out of 175.

MHS - Track & Field / March 15, 2020 By Kasey McDowell

Former Mulvane Track and Cross Country standout Evan Landes (2011) qualified for the Olympic Trials last June in 2019 when he finished 12th place at the Grandma's Marathon from Two Harbors to Duluth, Minnesota. The trials were held in Atlanta, Georgia on February 29th, 2020. Evan battled through injuries the last year but still put in a strong performance and finished in 50th place out of the 175 best runners in the country. Evan posted a 02:19:08 for the marathon and finished with a 5:19 average mile. The marathon decided the first 6 runners to compete at the Olympic Games in Tokyo.

The complete results can be found here.

"What a weekend....I’m very grateful for all of my friends and family who came to watch and to those who supported me from home as well," said Evan.

"Throughout the fall my training was very off and on due to hamstring issues. By December I still wasn’t able to do much quality running and honestly thought I may not be healthy enough to go to the Trials. This isn’t to say my performance needs an asterisk or anything but instead, I hope it exemplifies an instance where, if things aren’t going your way and you run into adversity, if you get yourself in the right mindset, focus on the daily process, and have a little faith you can still accomplish some pretty cool things at the end of the day. Of course, I couldn’t have done it without the people around me," said Landes.

"Going from hardly running in December while grinding through PA school to 2:19:08 on a brutal course and top 50 at the US Olympic Trials...maybe I didn’t light the world on fire but I’m not gonna take this experience for granted," said Evan.

Evan's Marathon Splits:
Point  Time       Pace
START  00:00:00   ---
1M     00:05:17   05:17
2M     00:10:20   05:04
3M     00:15:29   05:09
4M     00:20:42   05:13
5M     00:26:01   05:20
6M     00:31:09   05:08
7M     00:36:19   05:11
8M     00:41:42   05:24
9M     00:46:47   05:05
10M    00:51:48   05:01
11M    00:56:53   05:06
12M    01:02:02   05:10
13M    01:07:19   05:17
HALF   01:07:54   05:20
14M    01:12:26   05:07
15M    01:17:38   05:13
16M    01:23:07   05:30
17M    01:28:18   05:11
18M    01:33:21   05:04
19M    01:38:33   05:13
20M    01:43:53   05:20
21M    01:49:21   05:28
22M    01:54:36   05:16
23M    02:00:08   05:33
24M    02:05:50   05:43
25M    02:11:47   05:57
26M    02:17:58   06:11
END    02:19:08   05:23

05:19 Avg Pace

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